Monday, September 23, 2024

Donald Trump's Words:::Just Listen to What He Says. Listen.

 ### The Danger of Normalizing Donald Trump's Words:

We must be careful not to become so accustomed to Donald Trump’s rhetoric that we overlook the harm it can cause. His words are often offensive, nonsensical, and at times frightening. If we aren’t careful, we may start to normalize his statements without realizing it, allowing him to manipulate and use us in the process.

### Media’s Role in Normalizing Trump’s Behavior:
Much of the corporate media plays a part in enabling Donald Trump by the way they cover him. Often, media outlets focus on the small drops of normalcy in his statements while neglecting the flood of incoherent, belligerent, and offensive remarks. Reporters are either afraid to challenge him directly, told by corporate executives to portray him in a certain light, or have become desensitized to his bizarre behavior and self-centeredness. This normalization is dangerous because it allows Trump’s offensive nonsense to go unchecked.

### The Trap of Searching for Meaning in Trump’s Statements:
Even those who oppose Trump can fall into the trap of trying to make sense of his words. We may listen to his speeches or read his statements, looking for a kernel of meaning or critical thinking. We may even attempt to filter out the gibberish, focusing instead on what his followers might interpret. But this approach is risky because it encourages us to dismiss his offensive and nonsensical statements, treating them as harmless when they are not.

### The Belligerence of His Debate Performance:
Trump’s performance in the recent debate highlighted his tendency to spew belligerent inanity. He often ignored the debate rules, rambling on past his allotted time to spread conspiratorial lies. His lack of substance was apparent; he had no facts to show that he cared about important issues or the people affected by them. Instead, he repeated racist disinformation and falsehoods, showcasing a simplistic and malicious view of complex issues.

### Spreading Racist and Misleading Claims:
One of the most egregious examples of Trump’s rhetoric during the debate was his repetition of debunked claims about immigrants. He once again pushed the narrative that millions of people were crossing the U.S. border to steal, commit crimes, and rape. He even repeated a racist falsehood about Haitians stealing pets to eat them. Trump ignored the fact that most Haitians in the city were legally in the U.S., and data shows that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native-born residents. Trump’s misleading claims stand in stark contrast to reality, and allowing such disinformation to go unchallenged only fuels xenophobia and racism.

By listening carefully to Trump’s words and understanding the harmful impact of his rhetoric, we can avoid falling into the trap of normalization. The media and public must remain vigilant in holding him accountable for the dangerous nonsense he spreads.

### Trump’s False and Disturbing Claims:
In a speech given in Springfield, Donald Trump made the shocking claim that people in the city were "eating dogs and cats." Local police and city officials quickly denied the allegation, stating there were no such reports. Despite this, Trump insisted it was true, claiming to have seen it on television. This type of baseless and sensationalized statement exemplifies how Trump often manipulates facts to stoke fear and outrage.

### Dodging Important Questions at the Debate:
During a recent debate, Trump was asked directly if he wanted Ukraine to win the war against Russian invaders and whether he would veto a national abortion ban. Instead of answering the questions, Trump avoided both issues entirely, revealing his reluctance to take clear stances on critical global and domestic matters. His evasiveness underscores a pattern of using vague, rambling statements to sidestep difficult questions and maintain flexibility in his positions.

### Diverting from Mass Shooting Tragedy to Praise of Autocrats:
At a Fox News town hall, Trump was asked about the tragic mass shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia, where four people lost their lives and several others were injured. Instead of addressing the tragedy or offering condolences to the victims' families, Trump pivoted to praising Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orbán. He emphasized Orbán’s support for him, stating, “Viktor Orban made a statement, he said, ‘bring Trump back and we won’t have any problems.’” His failure to comment on gun safety or acknowledge the victims’ pain highlights his self-centered approach to public discourse.

### False and Dangerous Rhetoric on Transgender Issues:
At a Moms for Liberty event, Trump made an inflammatory and inaccurate claim about transgender issues in schools, stating, “Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child.” This statement is not only untrue but also plays into baseless fears about schools making medical decisions for children without parental consent. Such rhetoric feeds into conspiracy theories and stokes division over sensitive topics like gender identity.

### Incoherent Attacks on Kamala Harris:
In a speech at the Economic Club of New York, Trump once again displayed his tendency to ramble incoherently, this time targeting Vice President Kamala Harris. He accused her of wanting to defund the police, ban trafficking, and raise corporate taxes, but his statements became increasingly disconnected and nonsensical. Trump claimed, “[Kamala] wants to take away your private health insurance and unbelievably, she’ll see a text on unauthorized trafficking in those people’s living rooms at ease…” His disjointed attack on Harris continued with unsubstantiated accusations about her turning the U.S. into a “third-world banana republic.”

### Weaponizing the Justice System While Denying His Own Role:
Trump’s speech also featured a hypocritical defense of his own actions regarding political opponents. He falsely claimed, “She and her party are censoring speech, weaponizing the justice system, and trying to throw their political opponents, me, in jail.” He went on to say that he had never tried to jail Hillary Clinton, adding, “I said, that would be a terrible thing, wouldn’t it? Putting the wife of the President of the United States in jail…” However, during his 2016 campaign, Trump and his supporters frequently chanted “lock her up” when referring to Clinton. More recently, Trump has openly discussed his plans to weaponize the Department of Justice against his political adversaries if given the opportunity.

Donald Trump’s recent public statements, whether during debates, speeches, or town halls, reveal a troubling pattern of evasion, disinformation, and divisive rhetoric. His repeated refusal to address real issues, coupled with his willingness to make inflammatory and unfounded claims, continues to polarize and mislead the public. It is crucial to critically evaluate his words and hold him accountable for the harm they cause.

### Trump’s Evasion on Key Issues Like Childcare:
When asked a direct question about making childcare more affordable and what specific legislation he would prioritize, Donald Trump failed to offer a clear or substantive response. Instead, he admitted childcare is an important issue but quickly veered into an unrelated, incoherent rant about increasing tariffs on imports. He rambled about taxing foreign nations without providing any tangible solutions for childcare. His response—"childcare is childcare"—offered no specifics or insights into how he would tackle this pressing issue, leaving the original question unanswered.

### Bizarre Tangents in His Speeches:
At a rally in Las Vegas, Trump’s attempt to discuss the transition to electric vehicles took a strange turn when he abruptly started talking about shark attacks. He went on a bizarre tangent, recounting a story about a shark biting off a young woman’s leg, accusing people of making excuses for the shark. His disconnected rambling demonstrated how often he strays from important topics, using anecdotes that are not just irrelevant but also puzzling.

### Media Normalization of Trump’s Behavior:
As reported by Eugene Robinson in *The Washington Post*, much of the corporate media has become desensitized to Trump’s erratic behavior. His frequent lies, vengeful threats, and alarming signs of mental instability are often glossed over. Robinson highlights how the media has fallen into the trap of dismissing his behavior as just "Trump being Trump." However, these signs—especially given his age and deteriorating coherence—should not be ignored. This normalization is a dangerous trend that undermines the seriousness of his behavior and rhetoric.

### Offensive Comments About Soldiers and Women:
Beyond his incoherent ramblings, Trump has made numerous offensive remarks about soldiers, particularly those wounded or killed in service. His cruel and misogynistic comments about women further expose his disregard for basic decency. These remarks, combined with his inability to address key issues effectively, raise serious concerns about his fitness for office. Many former members of his cabinet and administration have come forward to warn the public about his dangerous behavior.

### The Need for Media to Focus on Trump’s Incoherence:
Journalist Greg Sargent, writing in *The New Republic*, emphasized that the media must prioritize Trump’s incoherence as a major story. His disjointed statements, lies, and alarming behavior should not be downplayed or normalized. It is time for the media and the public to recognize Trump for what he is: unfit to hold political office.

### Conclusion: The Urgency of Action:
As the election nears, it is crucial for voters to listen carefully to what Trump says and recognize the lack of coherence or meaningful policy solutions. His inability to focus on important issues, his offensive rhetoric, and his dangerous tendencies must be addressed. The nation cannot afford to normalize his behavior or risk allowing him back into power. It is more important than ever to get out the vote and support candidates like Harris and Walz, who offer stability and thoughtful leadership.

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