Saturday, August 3, 2024

What Running Distances Are Safe for Kids at Their Age?

**The Boundless Energy of Childhood**:

As parents, we've all witnessed the incredible energy our kids seem to possess. Whether they’re chasing butterflies or racing around the living room, their enthusiasm for movement is truly impressive. Channeling this energy through running not only helps them burn off some steam but also supports their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance between fostering their love for running and protecting their developing bodies.

In this article, we'll explore the wonderful world of running for children, providing insights into age-appropriate distances and paces while highlighting the benefits and considerations for young runners.

**The Benefits of Running for Kids**:

Before delving into specific age-based running guidelines, let's appreciate the numerous benefits that running offers:

**Physical Advantages**:
- **Cardiovascular Health:** Running is an excellent aerobic exercise that strengthens the heart and lungs, laying the foundation for lifelong fitness. It’s beneficial for adults too, helping us maintain our shape while enjoying the activity.
- **Strong Bones:** Weight-bearing exercises like running contribute to bone density and strength, reducing the risk of future issues.
- **Coordination and Agility:** The rhythmic nature of running improves hand-eye coordination and overall agility, skills essential for various activities.

**Mental and Emotional Perks**:
- **Stress Relief:** Running serves as an effective stress-reliever for kids, offering a way to escape daily pressures.
- **Confidence Boost:** Achieving running goals, however modest, fosters a sense of accomplishment and boosts self-confidence.
- **Social Connections:** Running clubs and group activities can help children form friendships and build a sense of community.

**Lifelong Habits**:

Introducing running early can spark a lifelong love for the sport, providing a valuable tool for maintaining both physical and mental well-being throughout their lives.

**Determining Safe Running Distances**:

While running has numerous benefits, it's important to approach it with care, tailoring the experience to your child’s age, health status, and interest level.

**Age-Based Recommendations**:

Here’s a guideline from the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) to help determine appropriate running distances based on age:

- **Ages 5 and Under:** Engage in dash events ranging from a few yards to 400 meters. The focus here is on fun and participation, rather than distance.
- **Ages 6-11:** Fun runs of 1/2 to 1 mile are suitable, allowing for a mix of running and walking without the pressure of long-distance goals.
- **Ages 12-14:** Participation in 5K (3.1 miles) events is appropriate for older children with sufficient aerobic capacity.
- **Ages 15-18:** This age group can handle 10K (6.2 miles) and potentially half marathon (13.1 miles) distances as their growth plates stabilize.
- **Ages 18 and Above:** Consider marathon training (26.2 miles) and ultra-distances once they reach adulthood.

While these guidelines provide a useful framework, remember that each child is unique. Some may excel in shorter distances while others might thrive in longer races.

**Health Status: A Crucial Consideration**:

Just as adults need to progress gradually in their fitness routines, children’s health and fitness levels should be evaluated before determining appropriate running distances. A sedentary child may need a gentle introduction to running, starting with a walk/run approach.

If your child has any underlying health conditions, consult their pediatrician before starting a running program. Expert guidance will ensure a safe and enjoyable experience tailored to your child’s needs.

**Interest Level: The Fuel for Motivation**:

Finally, a child’s interest level should drive their running journey. Running should be enjoyable, not a chore. Discuss your child’s goals and preferences—whether they want to participate in races, join you on your runs, or be part of a running club. Understanding their desires will help create a personalized and enjoyable experience that fosters a lasting love for the sport.

### Age-Appropriate Running Distances for Kids:

Navigating the world of running for children involves understanding their developmental stages and ensuring that activities are both fun and safe. Here’s a comprehensive guide based on recommendations from esteemed organizations like the RRCA, Nationwide Children’s Hospital Sports Medicine Department, and the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).

**Toddlers and Preschoolers (Ages 2-5)**:

At this stage, running should be part of playful exploration rather than structured competition. Encourage short bursts of running mixed with walking and other activities to nurture their curiosity and energy. Structured races or events are generally not recommended; the focus should be on enjoying movement and physical activity.

**Early Elementary (Ages 6-8)**:

Children in early elementary school often show interest in organized running activities. The RRCA suggests that fun runs ranging from 1/2 to 1 mile are appropriate, allowing for a mix of running and walking. The Nationwide Children’s Hospital Sports Medicine Department recommends a maximum distance of 1.5 miles for this age group.

*Fun Daddy Fact:* :
**Question:** How fast can a 6-year-old run?
**Answer:** On average, a 6-year-old can run at speeds of 6 to 8 miles per hour (9.7 to 12.9 kilometers per hour).

**Late Elementary (Ages 9-11)**:

As children grow, their stamina and physical maturity increase. Fun runs up to 1 mile are recommended by the RRCA, while the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Sports Medicine Department considers 5K (3.2 miles) events appropriate for this age. It’s important to balance challenging their abilities with avoiding excessive strain on their developing bodies.

**Middle School (Ages 12-14)**:

Entering their teenage years, children experience significant physical changes that affect their running capabilities. The RRCA and international organizations recommend limiting participation to 5K events during this phase. Regular monitoring of their progress and adjusting distances according to their growth and fitness levels is crucial.

**High School (Ages 15-18)**:

High school students, with most of their growth completed, can handle longer distances, such as 10K and half-marathon events. It’s important to proceed with caution and seek advice from coaches, trainers, and medical professionals to ensure safe and sustainable progression.

### The Importance of Proper Preparation:

Adhering to age-appropriate running distances is only part of ensuring a positive running experience.

**Gear Up for Success**:

Investing in high-quality running shoes is essential for comfort and injury prevention. Choose well-fitted, supportive shoes designed for their age and activity level. Additionally, opt for breathable, moisture-wicking clothing to help regulate body temperature and prevent chafing.

**Warm-Up and Cool-Down Rituals**:

Warm-up and cool-down routines are crucial for all runners, including children. Gentle stretching, dynamic movements, and gradual intensity increases prepare their bodies for running, while cool-down exercises aid in recovery and prevent muscle soreness.

**Hydration and Nutrition**:

Hydration and proper nutrition are vital for any physical activity. Encourage your child to drink water regularly and keep a water bottle handy during runs. A balanced diet rich in nutrients supports their growth and replenishes energy levels.

**Listen to Their Bodies**:

Teaching children to listen to their bodies is perhaps the most valuable lesson. Help them recognize signs of fatigue, discomfort, or pain, and emphasize the importance of taking breaks or slowing down as needed. Avoiding overexertion helps prevent injuries and maintains their enthusiasm for running.

### Making Running Fun: Tips and Tricks for Kids:

Running offers a multitude of physical and mental benefits, but keeping the experience enjoyable is key. Here are some cool tips and tricks to make running a joyful adventure for your little ones:

**Embrace Variety**:

Keep things exciting by mixing up running surfaces, routes, and paces. Explore nearby trails, parks, or indoor tracks for a change of scenery. Adding games, relay races, or themed runs can introduce a sense of adventure and keep their interest high.

**Celebrate Milestones**:

Celebrate achievements, whether it’s their first mile or a personal best. Create a reward system or host small celebrations to recognize their hard work and dedication. For example, my son was thrilled to receive his 5K medal last year—celebrations like these make the journey memorable.

**Foster Friendly Competition**:

Healthy, friendly competition can enhance their running experience. Organize family fun runs or encourage them to challenge friends in a supportive way. Avoid excessive competitiveness and focus on making it a positive experience.

**Embrace Technology**:

Incorporating technology can make running more engaging. Use age-appropriate fitness trackers or apps that gamify their running experience and provide feedback on their progress. This can add a fun, tech-savvy twist to their routine.

**Join a Running Club**:

Participating in a local running club or program designed for kids can provide a supportive community and structured training. It also adds a social aspect that can make running even more enjoyable for your child.

### Young Speedsters: Inspiring Young Runners:

Some young athletes possess extraordinary talents that inspire the running community. Here are five remarkable young runners who have set impressive records:

1. **Rheinhardt Harrison (Age 7):** From Florida, Rheinhardt holds the world record for the fastest mile for a 7-year-old boy, running it in an astonishing 5 minutes and 33 seconds.

2. **Aayani Shanmugaratnam (Age 9):** This Canadian runner set the world record for the fastest 5K by a 9-year-old girl with a time of 21 minutes and 19 seconds.

3. **Jonah Gorevic (Age 10):** A young prodigy from New York, Jonah set the record for the fastest mile by a 10-year-old boy, completing it in 5 minutes and 1 second.

4. **Maiya Bergmann (Age 12):** From California, Maiya holds the world record for the fastest 5K by a 12-year-old girl with an impressive time of 17 minutes and 51 seconds.

5. **Zane Robertson (Age 14):** This New Zealand teen set the world record for the fastest 5K by a 14-year-old boy, finishing in a remarkable 14 minutes and 28 seconds.

### Running with Your Child: A Bonding Experience Like No Other:

Sharing the joy of running with your child is a rewarding experience. Recently, my child and I embarked on a 5K adventure together, creating lasting memories. Witnessing my child’s determination and enthusiasm was a powerful reminder of the resilience and joy that children bring to running.

Running together has not only strengthened our bond but also taught valuable life lessons—discipline, perseverance, and a positive mindset. As we continue to explore new trails and set goals, I’m grateful for the opportunity to share this passion with my child.

### A Final Word:

In our journey through the world of kids and running, the goal is to nurture a lifelong love for this empowering activity. While personal bests and records are exciting, the true joy lies in the journey—camaraderie, accomplishment, and the lessons learned. By respecting our children’s physical development and fostering a supportive environment, we can ignite a passion that will benefit them throughout their lives.

So, lace up those tiny sneakers, grab your child’s hand, and embark on an adventure that will shape their physical well-being and character. The road ahead may be long, but the memories and lessons you create together will be priceless. Ready, set, go!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

I Divorced a Diagnosed Narcissist::: 3 reasons the outcome will never be fair.

 ### Escaping Narcissistic Abuse: The Quest for Fairness and Freedom:

**The Illusion of Fairness**:

Survivors of narcissistic abuse often seek a sense of fairness, despite knowing that it contradicts the nature of their relationship with a narcissist. These relationships are inherently imbalanced, filled with emotional turmoil. When we leave a narcissist, we may hope for justice and rational equity, but reality seldom meets these expectations. Nonetheless, we continue to search for validation.

### The Search for Validation:

We don't seek validation because we're still attached to the narcissist—we left them and are glad to be free of their emotional abuse. Instead, we seek it to stop feeling crazy, to protect ourselves and our children, and to expose the narcissist for what they are. Sadly, society often refuses to understand Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and family law is generally ineffective in dealing with such highly manipulative individuals.

### The Persistent Bully:

**Understanding the Narcissist's Nature**:

Leaving a narcissist doesn't mean they'll leave you alone. Narcissists are skilled bullies whose deep-rooted insecurities drive them to make others feel bad to boost their own self-esteem. When you leave them, it enrages them, intensifying their need to tear you down. They withhold necessities, prolong breakups or divorces, confuse your children, spread lies, and use emotional sabotage in various ways.

**Society’s Misconception**:

Society often believes that divorce resolves relationship issues. However, shutting down a narcissistic bully is nearly impossible. They can't stop their compulsion to target their insecurities at someone, and that someone is often you.

**The Solution**:

To combat this, don't let the narcissist upset you—it only gives them more power. Ignore them and avoid engagement, as this fuels their behavior. This is easier said than done because bullies know where to strike to hurt you the most. However, reacting emotionally only makes it seem like you have the issue, giving them more leverage to manipulate others, including your children.

### The Lingering Craziness:

**Enduring the Aftermath**:

Leaving a narcissist doesn’t necessarily free you from the craziness they bring into your life. This craziness persists due to the need to co-parent, financial dependencies, and their continuous attempts to control, manipulate, and punish you. The narcissist believes you wronged them, so they linger in the background, causing as much disruption as they can.

**The Solution**:

The more independent you become, both financially and emotionally, the less control a narcissist can have over your life. Minimize any form of engagement, whether through text, social media, or email. Counseling for your children can help mitigate the narcissist's ability to confuse and manipulate them. Though simple in theory, these steps are challenging in practice. Those of us who have left a narcissist understand that we do the best we can while dealing with a person with a serious mental health disorder that society doesn’t fully grasp.

### The Harsh Reality of Injustice:

**The Hidden Personality**:

Leaving a narcissist unveils the true severity of the injustice. Firstly, there’s the personality of the narcissist—an abusive individual masked by a charming facade. This discrepancy is deeply frustrating as no one would believe that such a seemingly delightful person could be abusive.

**Escaping Accountability**:

Secondly, narcissists often escape accountability. They get away with their actions because no one holds the "golden child" narcissist accountable—not their family, not their friends, not society, and not the legal system. Their charm, manipulation, and deception are too effective to be easily detected.

**Unfair Consequences**:

Thirdly, the consequences of leaving a narcissist are profoundly unfair. You might end up with ruined credit, financial ruin, homelessness, manipulated children, and more.You, who saw the best in the narcissist, are the one who gets destroyed. You, who never gave up on them and followed the rules, are the one left to pick up the pieces.

### Reclaiming Your Power:

**Acknowledging Reality**:

The only way to accept and heal from the injustice is to reclaim your power. Acknowledge the narcissist for what they are—abusive and suffering from a destructive personality disorder. Recognize that you made choices along the way. You stayed with them, tolerated their bad behavior, and became more vulnerable. This means they do not control you; you are in control. You can make different choices now.


No, it’s not fair that you didn’t understand who they were initially. But you did eventually, and at that point, you remained. Often, you excused their behavior out of fear of leaving. Self-empowerment can heal injustice. Consider volunteering at a shelter, helping others, or pursuing a career in law or divorce coaching. If the injustice feels too great, finding a sense of spirituality and purpose can transform your pain into purpose.

**Re-Establishing Justice**:

You can’t make sense of a narcissist; there will always be injustice with this mental health disorder. However, you can re-establish a sense of justice in your life. Take accountability, learn from the experience, and heal. Freeing yourself from a narcissist is complex, and many of us feel as if we never fully escape. People may say "move on," but it’s not that simple—the narcissist hasn’t moved on.

### The Path to Freedom:

**Accepting the Reality**:
Good people can experience terrible things. It’s challenging to escape someone we once mistakenly loved. Even post-breakup or divorce, the sense of desperation persists. Will we ever be free of the bully, the craziness, the injustice?

**Finding True Freedom**:

Yes, we can be free. But only when we recognize that fairness is a contradiction to the nature of a narcissist. There is nothing good, equal, or fair about a relationship with a narcissist. There never will be. Acceptance of this reality is the first step towards true freedom and healing.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

How I Relate to Another Being Is How I’m Living Life Now

 ### Embracing Vulnerability: Redefining Safety in Relationships:

**The Illusion of Safety**:

We often assume that being open or vulnerable makes us less safe. But what if the opposite is true?

### The Heart of Our Lives: Relationships:

**The Core of Connection**:

Relationships are undeniably at the center of our lives. For many, they are the heart that sustains us. Especially in marriage and longstanding partnerships, relationships can be miraculous, exciting, engaging, frightening, painful, and confounding. In the heat of a disagreement or a hurtful moment, we can lose sight of the profound impact these relationships have on how we perceive ourselves and interact with the world.

### The Myth of Isolation:

**The Illusion of Separateness**:

Despite our numerous relationships, we often think of ourselves as isolated beings, separate from others and our world. However, we are never as fully separate as we might imagine. Core relationships have the power to reveal this interconnectedness. By recognizing this, we can bring our relationships to life and improve the quality of our lives.

### Learning from Core Relationships:

**Modeling Connection**:

Any marriage or core relationship can teach us what relationship itself means. These relationships become a school for deepening other important emotional connections. Each friendship, in its unique way, holds the potential to develop the same openness and emotional intimacy as a core relationship. They can foster caring, mutual discovery, trust, and exploration. Conversely, if a core relationship is dominated by resistance, pain, dishonesty, and projections, other relationships might mirror these dynamics.

### The Power of Vulnerability:

**Embracing Openness**:

Discovery and caring make us vulnerable. Our senses and feelings reach out, allowing others to reach in.

### The Courage to Risk:

**Facing Fear**:

Openness can be frightening. It can scare us into shutting down. However, fear can also be a sign that what we're feeling is meaningful and worthwhile. It signifies that we are in a state where the unknowns about the future of the relationship might exceed what we know. And we must be willing to take that risk.

### Embracing the Unknown: Finding Safety in Vulnerability:

**The Power of Perception**:

Living with the uncertainty of not knowing is a constant part of life. We might think that being open or vulnerable makes us less safe, but perhaps it makes us safer. When we are more aware of the reality around us and recognize how much of the future is unknown, we can make better decisions. Relationships can help us see what is truly real.

### Interconnectedness in the Present Moment:

**Recognizing Inter-being**:

Right here, in this moment, the person in front of us is part of our life. We breathe; they breathe. We feel; they feel. Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh called this concept inter-being – we inter-are with others. Similarly, Australian Zen teacher Susan Murphy uses the Aboriginal term us-two to describe relationships. Our connection with another person, being, or place is not between separate, disconnected entities.

### Being Present with Others:

**The Shared Experience**:

When we sit with someone, we are also sitting with ourselves. We become aware of our own breath and feelings, as well as theirs.

### Responding to Challenges with Awareness:

**Mindful Engagement**:

When a question, problem, hurt feeling, or fear arises, it helps to pause and take stock of where we are. Feel the rate of our breathing. Notice where in our body we are tense or relaxed. Are we preparing to run away, attack, hide, or embrace?

Ask yourself, what do I feel right now, right here? What might the other person be feeling? Why might they be saying what they’re saying? What did they mean by their actions? Embrace the fact that how we relate to this other being reflects how we are relating to life, to this very moment.

### The Symphony of Life:

**Listening to the World Around Us**:

As I sit in my backyard, a bird – a Carolina wren – sings its three-trill song. Then a blue jay and a cardinal join in. From the road, the sound of a massive truck adds to the symphony. The house of my hearing has many doors, each one opening to a unique aspect of life.

By being fully present and embracing our interconnectedness, we can transform our relationships and our experience of life itself.

Monday, July 29, 2024

AI Serving AI: Redefining the Future of Information Generation

**The AI Revolution in Content Creation**:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming content creation in unprecedented ways. Instead of relying solely on human-generated data, modern AI models are learning from existing information to create entirely new content. This revolutionary approach allows for the rapid generation of vast amounts of fresh material across various platforms, redefining how we produce and consume information.

**The Risk of AI Model Collapse**:

Recent research published in *Nature* has highlighted a concerning trend: the potential collapse of AI models that heavily depend on content generated by other AI systems. The study suggests that when AI models are trained through successive generations of AI-generated data, they may eventually deteriorate in functionality. This collapse is attributed to the models’ exposure to increasingly narrow and limited information, which can degrade their performance over time.

**Addressing Emerging Challenges**:

To address these challenges, experts advocate for a more careful curation of training data. By ensuring that datasets remain diverse and inclusive, AI developers can help preserve the quality and breadth of information that AI systems rely on. This approach aims to prevent the narrowing of content and maintain the integrity of AI-generated outputs.

**Industry Response and Collaboration**:

In light of the potential risks, tech giants like Google are taking proactive measures to protect the quality of online content. They are adjusting algorithms to prioritize original human-authored sources and implementing advanced data tracking protocols. These steps are designed to mitigate the risk of AI model degradation and uphold the reliability of the content produced.

**The Future of AI and Content Creation**:

The influx of AI-generated content presents both challenges and opportunities. Collaborative efforts within the AI community are essential to navigate this evolving landscape. By emphasizing ethical data practices and ensuring diversity in content creation, the industry can work towards a future where AI enhances the online experience rather than compromising it.

### Expanding Horizons: AI Empowering Knowledge Creation:

**AI Collaboration: Beyond Content Generation**:

A new frontier in AI development is emerging: AI systems collaborating with each other to redefine information generation. This innovative approach goes beyond mere content creation to encompass data synthesis and insight generation that surpass human capabilities. The concept of AI serving AI opens up exciting possibilities for accelerating knowledge discovery and innovation across various fields.

**The Rise of Multi-Agent Systems**:

One of the most intriguing developments is the rise of multi-agent systems, where multiple AI entities work together to solve complex problems and generate comprehensive solutions. These interconnected networks of AI models can leverage each other’s strengths, processing vast amounts of data and producing sophisticated insights that transcend the limitations of individual algorithms. This collaborative approach has the potential to revolutionize how we approach problem-solving and knowledge creation.

### Key Questions and Considerations:

**Effective AI Collaboration**:

1: AI systems must be designed with robust communication protocols and shared learning frameworks to leverage their collective strengths. By integrating diverse datasets and models, they can generate more comprehensive insights than any single system could achieve alone.

2: Ethical concerns include the potential for misinformation, the erosion of trust in content authenticity, and the need for clear attribution of AI-generated versus human-created material. Establishing guidelines and standards for transparency and accountability is crucial.

3: Implementing rigorous data auditing, model validation, and transparent reporting practices can help maintain the integrity of AI-generated content. Regular oversight and the development of ethical frameworks are necessary to ensure responsible AI use.

### Challenges and Controversies:

**Amplification of Biases**:

One significant challenge of AI serving AI is the risk of amplifying biases and inaccuracies within interconnected systems. Inaccurate data fed into one AI model can propagate errors throughout the network, leading to widespread misinformation. Addressing this requires robust oversight mechanisms and continuous monitoring to ensure the reliability and integrity of generated knowledge.

### Advantages and Disadvantages:

- **Accelerated Information Synthesis:** AI collaboration enhances the ability to process and analyze vast datasets, leading to faster knowledge discovery and innovation.
- **Enhanced Analytical Capabilities:** Collaborative AI systems can uncover valuable insights from complex data that might be overlooked by individual models.
- **Groundbreaking Discoveries:** AI-generated knowledge has the potential to drive significant advancements across various fields.

- **Bias Propagation:** There is a risk of perpetuating biases and inaccuracies through interconnected AI systems, necessitating careful oversight.
- **Quality Assurance:** Ensuring the reliability and quality of information generated by AI collaborations is a significant challenge.
- **Ethical Implications:** The ownership and authenticity of AI-generated content raise important ethical questions that need to be addressed.

### Exploring New Frontiers in Information Generation:

As AI serving AI reshapes the landscape of information generation, addressing critical questions and challenges is essential. By fostering transparency, accountability, and responsible innovation, the AI community can harness the full potential of collaborative systems to redefine the future of knowledge creation. Stakeholders must work together to ensure that the benefits of AI-driven information generation are realized while mitigating potential risks and ethical concerns.

The Unsettling Rise of Political Violence in America

 ### The Unsettling Rise of Political Violence in America:

**A Foreboding Era of Brutality**:

The brutal political violence we see today in America may only be the beginning. Last weekend, a young man attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump. I woke up to this chilling news in a sleepy Spanish surf town where I'm vacationing for the summer. The headlines read “Violencia Política en Los Estados Unidos.” Suddenly, I was transported back to my childhood, worrying about friends and family, only this time it was the United States, not Mexico, under threat.

**A Troubling Parallel to Latin America**:

Latin America has a long history of political violence, sometimes fueled by the U.S., but not always. A year ago, Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio was killed during a campaign event. Two years prior, Haitian President Jovenal Moise was shot dead, and his wife was seriously wounded when armed men infiltrated their home.

**Historical Context of Political Violence**:

Attacks on government figures are as old as government itself. From the brutal stabbing of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to the shooting of Abraham Lincoln in 1865 and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, radicalized individuals have often taken drastic measures to influence history. Sometimes, the victims were dictators, like Caesar. More often, however, they represented social or political shifts that many refused to accept.

**Corruption and Civility**:

In recent decades, political violence has been viewed as a symptom of corruption and a lack of civility. It's a crime often associated with countries perceived as crass, uneducated, and corrupt. Donald Trump has repeatedly labeled Mexico's government as corrupt. At the announcement of his candidacy on June 16, 2015, he claimed Mexican immigrants were “bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” This rhetoric resurfaced in his 2024 RNC nomination acceptance speech, where he baselessly accused countries like El Salvador of sending their murderers to the U.S. Trump has always argued that violence in America is the result of outsiders.

**A Violent Political Landscape Above the Border**:

However, in recent years, the political landscape in the U.S. has become increasingly violent and corrupt, and it's not Latin Americans carrying out these crimes. In the fall of 2020, more than a dozen men were arrested for plotting to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the Michigan state government. Nils Kessler, a federal prosecutor, compared the plot’s leader, Barry Croft, to foreign terrorists. The masterminds behind the plot were white, middle-aged men who fancied themselves as patriots. They trained extensively in the Midwest and crossed state borders to participate in the planned assassination.

The unsettling rise of political violence in America demands our urgent attention and action. This growing brutality is not the product of foreign influences but a homegrown issue that threatens the very fabric of our society.

**A Growing Threat of Political Violence**:

In 2022, David DePape broke into Nancy Pelosi’s home and assaulted her husband, Paul Pelosi, with a hammer. This incident, driven by far-right conspiracy theories from QAnon, occurred just a week before the congressional elections. DePape, a white Canadian in the U.S. illegally, highlighted the growing threat of politically motivated violence.

**The Infamous Capitol Riot**:

Who could forget January 2021, when thousands of radicalized white Americans stormed the U.S. Capitol to “stop the steal”? They attacked Capitol Police and constructed a gallows on the front lawn, showcasing the dangerous power of divisive rhetoric.

**Rising Threats Against Public Officials**:

According to PBS News, political violence and threats against public officials in America have been rising over the past decade. This surge can be traced to divisive rhetoric from leaders of both parties. Cynthia Miller-Idriss, director of research at American University’s Polarization and Extremism Research Innovation Lab, points to another issue: “ordinary citizens who give up.

**Contradictory Calls for Unity**:

Former President Trump’s speech at the RNC urged unity while reiterating alarming talking points. Under a Trump presidency, climate change would accelerate, deportations would be rampant, and Christian national values would permeate American life, regardless of one’s religious beliefs (I am not religious). Rachel Maddow described Trump's lengthy speech as “a Fidel Castro kind of experience,” clocking in at over an hour and a half, the longest in RNC history.

**Echoes of Insane Promises**:

To me, Trump’s promises echo those of radical candidates worldwide, promising radical improvements if they win. “I could stop wars with just a telephone call,” Trump declared, following a rant about Latin American immigrants seeking asylum. With President Biden bedridden with Covid and out of the race four months before the election, I fear the brutality of this era in America is only beginning. In Mexico, my family’s well-being is in the hands of corrupt politicians and ruthless cartels. I hope my father didn’t leave his homeland only for his daughter to face a similar fate in America.


This version presents the information in a more organized and engaging manner, with clear headings to guide the reader through the key points.

Information Age vs Generation Age Technologies for Learning

**A Paradigm Shift in Technology-Mediated Learning**:

The internet revolutionized education by eliminating time and place as barriers. Now, generative AI is taking it a step further by removing access to expertise as a barrier. This seismic shift requires a fundamental change in our approach to education, pedagogy, and supporting infrastructure.

**From Information Age to Generation Age**:

The CEO of Groq explains this transition: "In the information age, technologies like the internet, mobile, and even the printing press were about making high-fidelity copies of data and distributing them. Generative AI, however, is not about copying but about creating something new in response to a specific query. This process requires significant computing power, as it involves generating content dynamically rather than retrieving pre-existing data."

**Information Age Technologies: Distribution of Static Content**:

During the information age, educational paradigms like open educational resources (OER) leveraged the internet to distribute perfect copies of existing resources at nearly zero cost. This approach democratized access to information, but it relied on static, pre-authored content.

**Generation Age Technologies: Dynamic Expertise**:

Generative AI marks a departure from this model. Instead of providing learners with static content, it offers access to dynamic expertise. Learners can engage with, argue with, collaborate with, and converse with AI in real time, making learning a more interactive and personalized experience.

**Key Points to Remember**:

- The internet removed time and place as barriers to education.

Just as instructional designs evolved to harness the potential of online learning, they must now be dramatically updated to leverage the new affordances of generative AI. This shift from information age to generation age technologies represents a transformative change in the way we think about and deliver education.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Human brains teach AI new skills

 ### How Human Brains are Teaching AI New Skills:

**ASU Researcher Ying-Cheng Lai Draws Inspiration from Human Thought Processes to Enhance Machine Learning**

Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at an impressive rate, yet it hasn't surpassed human intelligence. Our brains' remarkable adaptability and creativity have allowed us to tackle challenges and complete complex tasks for millennia, whereas AI is still in its infancy.

Ying-Cheng Lai, a Regents Professor at Arizona State University (ASU), specializes in working with intricate data and understanding chaos to push human goals forward. His research aims to enhance computing systems' ability to handle dynamic data—information that evolves over time.

"Memorizing complex patterns is second nature for humans. We recognize faces and countless other things with ease. However, asking a computer to do the same is incredibly challenging," explains Lai, an electrical engineering faculty member in the School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering at ASU’s Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. "Significant progress has been made over the past 20 to 30 years, but it remains tricky, especially with dynamic patterns."

Lai draws inspiration from human memory to create a dynamic system of machine learning memory using reservoir computing. This system can intake data, recognize and store patterns, and project those patterns over time.

This innovative approach can help AI tackle problems previously deemed unsolvable with traditional static methods. Dynamic machine learning memory could enable us to better utilize past information to predict future events, such as electric grid failures or critical climate change tipping points.

Collaborating with his former doctoral student Ling-Wei Kong and Gene Brewer, a psychology professor at ASU, Lai tested new, sophisticated machine learning strategies using biological memory techniques effective for humans.

Their findings were published in the research journal *Nature Communications*.

Lai believes that endowing AI with human-like capabilities—the "special talents we have"—will enable computing systems to harness the best of both human and artificial intelligence.

Most machine learning-based associative memories are designed for static patterns, like pictures of cats. However, this method falls short when dealing with dynamic patterns that evolve over time, much like a photo cannot capture the entirety of a cat’s life.

Lai aims to overcome the limitations of static data in dynamic scenarios, such as predicting the survival or extinction of species. A fundamental requirement for this is that the machine learning architecture must be capable of "self-evolution," or automatically improving based on what it learns.

Inspired by how the human brain handles these tasks, Lai and Brewer examined memory storage and recall strategies.

Brewer adds that psychological principles based on human thought processes and memory distribution in the brain can greatly inform and enhance machine learning algorithms.

By leveraging these interdisciplinary insights, Lai and his team are paving the way for AI systems that are more adaptive, intuitive, and capable of tackling dynamic challenges.

## Drawing Inspiration from the Human Brain:

**Unlocking Dynamic Memory: Insights from Human Cognition**:

Human cognition research has traditionally focused on static information, like remembering a specific word. However, this approach overlooks the dynamic nature of our world and experiences, which are much richer and more complex. As Gene Brewer explains, "These experiences are encoded into memory and can be recalled similarly to how one remembers a scene from a classic movie."

Recent research efforts aim to better understand how people remember dynamic situations. Scientists have identified key stages in memory processing: encoding, maintenance, and retrieval. In the encoding phase, the brain establishes a memory, which is then maintained even when it's not actively thought about. When retrieval is needed, specific cues often help recreate the original experience from memory.

Cues are typically associative—based on connections between different pieces of information. For example, recognizing a face might help recall a name.

**Mimicking Biological Memory with Artificial Neural Networks**:

Artificial neural networks, such as reservoir computing, are designed to emulate biological memory and associative cues to handle dynamic data. Lai and his team have tested their reservoir computing system with hundreds of complex, dynamic patterns. During training, the system organizes these patterns into different "basins" within a larger "reservoir" of memory.

This process is akin to organizing ingredients in a kitchen: after a grocery trip, you sort and store ingredients (patterns) in various sections (basins) of your kitchen (reservoir). The system then continuously produces time-varying information, similar to preparing various recipes from the ingredients.

Despite advancements, the inner workings of machine learning systems can remain mysterious.

**Testing and Advancing Dynamic Machine Memory**:

To evaluate how well the system stores and recalls patterns, the team provided it with various hints to retrieve information. They tested different strategies, such as using index cues or associative memory techniques, to determine which methods best recalled specific patterns. The research focused on optimizing trade-offs between speed and accuracy for effective dynamic pattern recall.

Lai’s current research shows that the reservoir computing system can manage limited dynamic data, such as the variables influencing the chaotic movement of a double pendulum. Moving forward, Lai aims to delve deeper into the basin structure within the reservoir computing system to better understand how memories are stored.

Further exploration could lead to more advanced reservoir computing systems, enhancing AI’s capability to tackle dynamic societal challenges and fostering more imaginative solutions for scientists and engineers.

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